Sunday, August 11, 2024

For Us Freaks

How was it possible for Jesus to live in this Earth?
Knowing he could've ended it all just with the thought and will of it 
Love saved us but
Even after death 
Always taken for granted on a daily
Begged and pleaded by his followers/lovers to be forgiven, after a night/day of us cheating on Him 
Giving it to them anyways, knowing they can and will do it again
Understood and not accepted 
Loathed by many for simply wanting to be near them 
For attempting to give them eternality 
Makes me sick how we humans can be at times 
So inconsiderate to each other and our Lord, for the name of my pride! 
My image, my armor, my ego! 
Perhaps this was one of the reasons why Jesus had to come 
In order to know how we humans truly think and feel
Our selfish nature
For the sake of sympathy for humanity
I catch myself feeding my egotistical side too 
It’s normal, but I never try doing it at the cost of others 
No matter who you are
I guess I just feel too much 
Today I thought of a man from my childhood church 
He was a quiet reserved gentle middle aged man that never bothered anyone
Now that I’m twenty-three and have an opinion on everything that interests me 
I can say that the only time he would bother anyone was for a ride to and from church 
And when he would ask for a time after worship to say how grateful he was with the Lord
Updates on his life
What blessings (maybe nothing or the norm for others) the Lord has gifted him 
They would call his name
Gets up cautiously 
Shaking off the nerves off his legs, ready to walk up with his broken sway
Mic visibly rotating around his hand, trying to get the words out 
Soft spoken too 
I remember seeing this as a kid and I know I didn’t feel bad or pity for the man 
Now I know what I felt 
Compassion, Admiration, Joyous
I know that’s what the pastor felt with that great pure full smile of his 
But I can’t help to put him in one of my hypotheticals
I'm pretty sure he’s still alive but if he were here and put on broadcast for the whole world to see 
How many bots would taunt him, how many would scoff at his praises 
For his life, for his being, for his fruits that he wanted to show everybody
For finding beauty in the mundane
For being God’s lab experiments and to be put in this world
To have something to talk about, have a cheap laugh off 
To add a little piece to their broken masks 
I wonder what God feels when He sees this happen
I personally would join him and laugh at the vacuous myriad of souls that surround us 
And wish them well 
Or you could join us because we are not too far apart if you truly think about it 
And if we are, why not love the diversity we are so privileged to know and be around?

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